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Comprehensive consultation with the public — including local and regional governments, communities, stakeholders, property owners and the general public — has taken place since 2007. This consultation includes BC Hydro-led consultation, as well as agency-led public comment periods as part of the environmental assessment process.

Since 2007, the Project team led or participated in more than 500 consultation meetings, presentations, local government meetings, community events or open houses. BC Hydro has also responded to approximately 3,000 inquiries received via email, in-person at the consultation offices, or through written submissions, which are in addition to information requests made as part of the environmental assessment process.

Summary reports have been completed for all BC Hydro-led consultations and include appended meeting minutes, notification materials, and discussion guides.

A complete list of Site C consultation reports is available in the Library section of this website. Please note that information related to consultation in the environmental assessment process is available on the CEA Agency and BCEAO websites.